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寸冬梅,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。1977年12月生,云南大理人。1999年毕业于北京医科大学,获药学专业理学学士学位,2005年获沈阳药科大学药剂学博士学位。2007至2011年在丹麦哥本哈根大学做博士后研究工作,从事小分子干扰核酸(siRNA)的纳米微粒传递系统的研究。现任沈阳药科大学药物制剂教研室教师,2009年被聘为硕士生导师。多年来一直从事递送生物大分子的新型给药系统的研究,共主持5项科研课题,其中包括国家自然基金青年项目1项(23万),省部级科研项目3项(36万)和校级科研项目一项(10 万);参与国家级科研项目4项;获辽宁省自然科学学术成果一等奖1项。主要研究领域涉及核酸、蛋白质、多肽等生物大分子的递送,聚合物微球、纳米粒的设计以及肺部吸入制剂的研究。


1.脂质-聚合物杂合纳米(lipid–polymer hybridnanoparticles, LPNs)复合微粒用于siRNA肺部传递的抗癌药效、体内分布以及安全性评价(2015年,项目负责人,辽宁省高等学校优秀人才支持计划(一层次)资助项目);










代表性SCI 论文如下:

1.Wu L,Leng D,Cun D,Foged C,Yang M.advances in combination therapy of lung cancer:rationales,delivery technologies and dosage regimens.J Control Release.2017,online.

2.Sun L,Liu Z,Wang L,Cun D,Tong HHY,Yan R,Chen X,Wang R,Zheng Y.Ehanced topical penetration,system exposure and anti-psoriasis activity of two particele-sized,curcumin-loaded PLGA nanoparticles in hydrogel.J Control Release.2017,254:44-54

3.Ying Li,Meihua Han,Tingting Liu,Dongmei Cun,Liang Fang,Mingshi Yang.Inhaled hyaluronic acid microparticles extended pulmonary retention and suppressed systemic exposure of a short-acting bronchodilator.Carbohydrate Polymers.2017.

4.Cun D, Wang F, Yang M. Formulation strategies and particle engineering technologies for pulmonary delivery of biopharmaceuticals, Curr Pharm Des. 2015, 21(19):2599-610.(第一作者,IF 3.504)

5.Colombo S,Cun D, Remaut K, Bunker M, Zhang J, Martin-Bertelsen B, Yaghmur A, Braeckmans K, Nielsen HM, Foged C.Mechanistic profiling of the siRNA delivery dynamics of lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles.J Control Release. 2015, 201:22-31. (共同第一作者,通讯作者,IF 8.097)

6.W Guo, P Quan, L Fang,D Cun, M Yang. Sustained release donepezil loaded PLGA microspheres for injection: Preparation, in vitro and in vivo study, Asian J Pharm Sci. 2015,10, 405–414. (通讯作者)

7.Cun D, Jensen DMK, Maltesen MJ, Bunker M, Whitside P, Scurr D, Foged C, Nielsen HM. High loading efficiency and sustained release of siRNA encapsulated in PLGA nanoparticles: Quality by design optimization and characterization. Eur J Pharm Biopharm, 2011, 77: 26-35.(第一作者,IF 4.394

8.Jensen DK,Cun D, Maltesen MJ, Frøkjær S, Nielsen HM; Foged C. Spray drying of siRNA-containing PLGA nanoparticles intended for inhalation. J Control Release.2010, 142: 138-145.((共同第一作者,IF 8.097)

9.Cun D, Foged C,Yang M, Frøkjær S, Nielsen HM. Preparation and characterization of poly (DL-lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles for siRNA delivery. Int J Pharm.2010, 390: 70-75.(第一作者,IF 4.011)

10.CunD, CuiF, YangL, YangM,YuY,YangR. Characterization and Release Mechanism of Melittin Entrapped Poly (lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) Microspheres. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2008, 18(4): 267-272.(第一作者,IF 0.655)

11.CunD,JensenLB, NielsenHM, MoeinM, FrokjaerS, FogedC. Polymeric Nanocarriers for siRNA Delivery: Challenges and Future Prospects. Journal of Biomedicince and Nanotechnology, 2008, 4: 1-18.(第一作者,IF 5.338)

12. CuiF,CunD, Tao, A, Yang, M, Shi, K, Zhao, M. Preparation and evaluation of melittin loaded poly (D, L-lactic acid) or poly D, L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) microspheres made by the double emulsion method. Journal of Controlled Release, 2005, 107(2): 310-319. (IF 8.097)


1.Dongmei Cun, Tingting Liu, Meihua Han,Mingshi Yang.Development and Characterization of Nanocrystal-embedded Microparticles for Pulmonary Delivery of Budesonide. In Proceedings of the 27th Drug Delivery to the Lung. Scotland, 2012 2.Dongmei Cun, Ying Li, Liang Fang, Hanne Moerk Nielsen, Mingshi Yang. Particle design and engineering for inhalation. In Proceedings of 32nd International Annual Meeting in Pharmaceutical Science. Thailand. 2016

3.Ying Li, Dongmei Cun, Liang Fang, Shirui Mao, Mingshi Yang. Mucoadhesive microspheres for inhalation and sustained release of salbutamol sulphate. In Proceedings of Inhalation Asian 2015. Shenyang. 2015

4.Dongmei Cun, Camilla Foged, Anan Yaghmura, Fangliang, Hanne Mørck Nielsen. The role of DOTAP in siRNA containing cationic PLGA lipopolymeric nanoparticles intended for inhalation. In the proceeding of Inhalation Asian 2013. Hongkong. 2013

5.Cun D, Foged C, Yang, M; Jensen L.B., Frokjaer S., Nielsen H.M. Comparison of methods for quantifying siRNA encapsulated into poly (lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles. In Proceedings of the 35rd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society. New York, USA, 2008.

6.Cun D, Foged C, Yang M; Jensen L.B., Frokjaer S., Nielsen H.M. Preparation and characterization of siRNA loaded PLGA nanoparticles. In Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Particulate Systems in Nanomedicine. Berlin, Germany, 2008.


1.共参编教材1本,专著3本1.药剂学. 人民卫生出版社,2014

2.Dongmei Cun, Lan Wu, Mingshi Yang. Inhaled therapeutic siRNA for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Book: Advances in Pulmonary Drug Delivey. Taylor&Francis 2016

3.Mao S, Cun D, Kawashima, Y. Novel non-injectable formulation approaches of peptides and proteins Book: Delivery Technologies for Biopharmaceuticals: Peptides, Proteins, Nucleic Acids and Vaccines, John Wilely & Sons, Ltd, 2009.

4.药物制剂注解.人民卫生出版社, 2009.7



2015年-至今 《沈阳药科大学学报》英语审校


